Portada  |  12 enero 2018

"Tengo 99 problemas y ser gorda no es uno de ellos" dice la modelo XXL que ama su cuerpo

“Me llamaron ballena y tarro de manteca" dice esta joven mujer con obesidad que decidió compartir su experiencia para inspirar amor propio y ser un referente de las mujeres que están lejos de los estándares de moda actuales. Julianna Mazzei busca que las mujeres con cuerpos XXL no permitan que el bullying les afecte.


Desde hace más de dos años, sobre todo en la red social Instagram, se viene dando un movimiento que promueve el amor propio y la autoaceptación; modelos como Iskra Lawrence y Ashley Graham, se han encargado de darle voz a todas las mujeres que no “encajan” con los estereotipos impuestos por la moda.

Una nueva activista se ha unido a esta corriente: se trata de Julianna Mazzei, también conocida como Jewels, quien tras ser llamada “manteca de cerdo”, decidió inspirar a otras mujeres con sobrepeso a valorarse y amar su cuerpo tal cual es.

Ice cream cones and summer vacation, it all feels a million light years ago. That once upon a time when I could avoid toxic diet culture talk, and wasn't asked 5 times a day how many calories something has. Back to a time before I was a barista and had a parent of an 8th grader force her daughter to get skim milk and no whip cream on her hot chocolate. A time before this same parent on a different day embarrased her daughter by telling her "remember what we talked about, don't forget your on a diet, when the daughter tried to order a cookie and then got nothing. Can I start off my saying we should not be teaching young girls how to diet but instead should be teaching them how to love themselves more. To be pushing diet culture at such a young age is disgraceful, these children are still growing. It's bad enough young girls get blasted from the media, their friends, and even school about diet culture, but to have it pushed on you at home, I know what that feels like. It feels like torture. The pressure and pain it can cause on someone's mental health is REAL! Remember that next time you remind someone how many calories something has or suggest they get a salad instead. We need to end diet culture talk, especially around young children, that's it, enough is enough! #BigAndBlunt #riotsnotdiets

Una publicación compartida de Jewelz M (@jewelzjourney) el
